Hands on Nashville
Hands on Nashville (HON), a non-profit center based in Nashville, commissioned MZA to design a new office space to be located in one of downtown Nashville's historic Trolley Barns. The client's needs included offices for current HON staff and volunteers and expansion space for future staff, set within a collaborative environment. Vibrant finishes and furnishings combined with a flexible, open plan to encourage reciprocity and diversity within the designed space. Through the use of environmentally-conscious finishes, furnishings, and mechanical equipment, the project was designed for LEED 2009 for Commercial Interiors.
The Trolley Barns, an historic structure and prime Cumberland Riverfront location, sat vacant for many years. The redevelopment of the site received a 2013 Urban Land Instutite Nashville Excellence in Development Award.
- Client: Hands on Nashville
- Location: Nashille, TN
- Year: 2013
- Online: www.hon.org/